IAC2 is the non-profit, certifying body for home and building inspectors who have fulfilled certain educational and testing requirements including those in the area of indoor air quality.

As a member in standing of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors I have fulfilled the necessary requirements for membership on International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants. I offer a free initial consultant to determine the scope of the mold inspection that you wish to have performed.

I use swab and Bio- tape sampling methods if the mold is confined to one area of your home.Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Owner:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Masters:2015:04:23:20150423-073422:IMG_1184.JPG

I use a whole house inspection procedure by collecting air samples (a minimum standard of 2 outdoor air and 1 indoor air baseline air samples) to determine the amount of air born mold spores.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Owner:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2015:04:23:20150423-071525:ReBjt95cTWqim+pMbM%Q+A:IMG_1176.jpg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            If a sample has to be taken from the interior of the wall a small hole is made and I use a boroscope to view the wall cavity and take some digital photos.



All samples are documented for chain of custody and then the samples are then be forwarded to an AIHA accredited laboratory for analysis. Results of this analysis determine the type and amount of mold present.

The EPA states that, “It is important to take precautions to limit your exposure to mold and mold spores. Avoid breathing in mold or mold spores”. The EPA also recommends that if you suspect you have a hidden mold problem you should consider hiring an experienced professional to avoid exposure to potentially massive doses of mold spores.

Mold damages what it grows on. The longer it grows the more damage it can cause. If there is a mold problem in your home, you should clean up the mold promptly. Mold can be hidden, growing on the water from a hidden leak, and can develop into a potentially large problem if not caught in time.

Testing your home on a regular basis is a prudent way to prevent small problems from growing into a costly and unhealthy situation, and always avoids exposing yourself and others to mold.

Call me today for a free consultation.


To read more about mold go to www.asoundhomeinspection.com/content/woh-mold-article